Upside Down, Creative Thinking, The Jewish way – Back cover
Most of us do not really live. That is, we live, Study, work, have fun. But do not utilize it to the fullest. We do not discover our full potential.
Most of us also have a laid-back attitude when it comes to adopting creative thinking.
Sometimes we do not know how, and sometimes, we prefer to let reality run us. Live a routine life—neither special nor stimulating.
Most of the time, we also do not teach our children the principles of creative thinking.
Upside Down points to the principles of creative thinking in the Jewish way to increase the degree to which we live, make us more active, and realize our intellectual potential. The result of adopting these principles will often be a business success, focus and improve management skills, scientific and artistic flourishing, getting out of holes and blockages, marital growth, and even assimilating health awareness.
The principles of creative thinking rely on a deep and broad body of knowledge. They include insights, advice, and practical tools. Upside Down reveals and organizes these principles to make them accessible to every person and encourage us to live life to the fullest.
The belief in one person's ability, any person, to break through boundaries and barriers in his life and produce a significant change in his private world and the general world is one of Judaism's great contributions to humanity.
Dr. Yechiel Harari has authored nine books that have sold tens of thousands of copies. In recent years, he has taught at conferences, workshops, and seminars in dozens of cities in Israel and worldwide to a wide range of audiences and organizations.
Harari wrote his doctoral dissertation at Tel Aviv University, served as a journalist, parliamentary advisor, and senior professional advisor in government ministries, and taught at Tel Aviv University and Sapir College.
Upside Down joins his last two books in the "Hitbonenut" series published by Yedioth Books: Winning Every Moment and the Art of Elevating.